5 September 2011

And so it begins...

After my last post here re. my lack of interest this summer, Sunday morning (4th Sept) I drove the 3 miles over the border into Notts and hada good old fashioned stomp around Silverhill Wood Country Park. Some Goldcrests & Coal Tits were buzzing around, a few Siskins bounced around over head and sadly fuck all else despite the conditions looking ideal for some Great Shearwater passage! The place was dead, perhaps something to do with a fair bit of that wet stuff falling from the grim clouds above - Surprisingly I hardly saw any dogs taking their owners for a morning stroll either, which was refreshing for this location! I did however leave the sight frustrated; aroound the north side of the park, i'd heard a bird calling which I just couldn't ID. It sounded somewhat like a cross between a LRP & a cockatiel followed by a carbon copy version of the 1st (or 2nd) part of a Corncrake song! Despite searching for nearly an hour, I just couldn't locate the source of the mystery noise. It then shut up and never called again. Any suggestions would be appreciated... sensible ones that is!

The afternoon was spent Viz-miggin' from the window of the East wing at Castle DUNNington which resulted in c2600 Swallow SW, 2 Jays SE & a trickle (16) of Mipits SE. Highlight however was a new addition to the Castle DUNNington grounds list - SPOT' FLY' 'hedge-hoppin' mid-a'noon within a sudden surge of low level migs (including c20 Chiffys & unprecedented numbers of Great (15 on the feeders at one point, the previous max' being 6) Blue & L-t.Tits - unprecedented thru my garden anyhow!).

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