29 August 2011

Last of the summer 'whine'... or is it?

WHAT!? You're shitting me! I've been asleep for over two months and missed July & August!? Really? Did I miss anything?
That's alright then!

Sadly, I ain't been indulging in some humanistic hibernation during the summer or been in the slammer or taking refuge in some dark remote Scottish glen away from the spell bindingly annoying cunts who frequent the current birding scene (hmm the latter may actually have a little bit of truth in it).....Nope, I can honestly and proudly inform you that I've mearly been a lazy twat who for the last couple of months had lost all enthusiasm for birding!

Ok, I'd ventured out for a few bits of shit like a Red Footed Falcon in D*rbyshite (22nd June), some vocal Quails close to home (24th June) and a White-arsed Sandpiper in Cleveland (23rd July) but patch watching/general birding had almost become a very distant & hazy figment of my Vino Rouge induced imagination.

I was also forced by my inner insidious self to visit the Nerdwatching Fayre at Rutland Water (20th August) - This in itself made me actually question my involvement with this hobby. The myriad of tents, bellends, fuckwits, foreign holiday flogging buskers and general cheesy faced twats is and will always be birding purgatory but still like a moth drawn to the proverbial, I/we drag ourselves there every year!

So, that was my summer really, there's probably been a few other interesting things occur but I've consumed far too much Rouge Juice that my memory banks have fizzgogged and popped and now they hold nothing more than a few vague recollections of drunken evenings spouting mentalist bollocks on FaceBook!
Anyhow, in an effort to cleanse my mind, body & soul (and my liver), I've crawled out of my slumber and will now attempt to drag myself kicking, spitting, smoking & screaming back into the scene. It's nearly September and as most are aware, that's when them good birds are found, vis-migin' is in full swing and anything can turn up anywhere, so I'm gonna get my motor serviced, start watching what I'm spending, get my optics dusted & polished and try & work out how to use this new digital camera...

Now all I need is some of you useless cunts to get out and find me some quality to go & look at! Go Go Go!!

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