15 July 2010

A new era begins in Staffs...

After hearing that Archie had moved to this sort of Blog, I decided that after months of debating it, I'd do the same. This evening while creating it, I took a swift glance at the (on silent) pager at c7.05pm and was gutted to see that a Franklin's Gull had just been located at Chasewater, Staffs. Knowing that my arch year-listing rival Archie Archer from War-wick-shire would no doubt be on his way over already (I soon found out he was actually still sat at ASBO HQ glued to Emmerdale while munching on a king size tub of Ben & Jerrys blissfully unaware of a potential year tick just down the road!), I bombed over to collect the Marquis from Kirkby-in-Ashfield and hit it towards the site. Luckily there were no obstructions (or 'boys in blue') along the way and we arrived in a tidy 45 minutes! Thankfully the yank was still present (and so was Archer!) and gave shit views roosting on the island in amongst loads of other dirty gulls! Anyhow, as nice a year tick as it was, my thirst got the better of me, along with the rapidly deteriorating weather. I caned it home and was sampling some fine Swedish ale by 10pm!!

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