A brief write up on three visits to KMR over the last 8 days (13th, 20th & 21st)...
Sunday March 13th - The undoubted highlight was the presence of three female Goosanders that were loafing on the water. During the nineties, Goosander was almost expected most weekends during the winter months but during the last ten years the species has become almost 'rare' with less than 3 records per year during a period in the mid 'noughties'. Bizarrely, this year seems to have seen a revival of the species 90's status with a deluge of sightings during the first couple of months! Another strange occurrence on the 13th came in the discovery of a flock of c100 'SINGING' Redwings. From a distance, the sound emanating from the trees recalled a pre-roost Starling gathering. I'd never witnessed/heard this before in 20yrs birding and can only assume that with perfect migration conditions (clear skies and light winds) they were all busy chattering away discussing their imminent trek back to the breeding grounds?
Other padders for the morning consisted of c70 Siskin, 15 Teal, 3 Snipe, Pheasant (not that common at KMR!), 2 Willow Tits, 2 Gadwall & 4 Greylags.
Sunday March 20th - A Redshank was loitering in the SW corner with Lapwings. A drk Shoveler was knocking about with 16 Teal. A trickle of Vis-Mig saw 13 Mipits head NW and 18 LBBG's SW. Other bits included 2 Gadwall, 1 Greylag, 1 Willow Tit, 1 Yellowhammer at the feeding station, 6 Snipe, 1 Bullfinch & a G-S.Woodpecker. No Hirundines or Wheatear...surprisingly! The usual waddling weight loss women were again doing their best to get hot, sweaty and breathless and provided excellent comedy value! Seriousley I can't think of a worse punishment for a pair of legs!
Fat Jogger leaves trail of distruction - check out the devastation she caused when she clipped the adjacent bushes!
The worst Redshank photo'...IN THE WORLD!
Monday March 21st - A much needed after work Wheatear hunt proved successful in not seeing the not expected Wheatear(s)! The drk Shoveler remained in the SW corner with 16 Teal & 7 Snipe. Also 2 Greylags, 1 Willow Tit & 1 Yellowhammer were noted.
SW corner at dusk.
If the 'Wheatear' field held a Wheatear, this is what a Wheatear in the 'Wheatear' field would see.
'Birders Only - Keep Out!'
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