9 November 2010

Recent activity...

Yeh it's been a while since I updated this but with other more pressing matters taking the front seat of my life during mid-October, I didn't really get out and about. Highlights are pretty much restricted to the last 7 days. Last Tuesday (2nd November) I made a pre-work visit to King's Mill Res' in order to bag the 1st winter drk Fudge Duck. This bird represented the second of this species I had seen at my former 2nd home (the first being in November 2002 which was sadly seen to be wearing some shiney silver jewellery around its ankle).

Above - Mikipedia giving the motors precarious position some serious thought.

With the news of the American Bittern in Cornwall showing well near Wadebridge, I begrudingly decided to head down there overnight on Bonfire Night with Mikipedia and Stoke reprobate Phil Locker. Before first light saw me slamming my motor onto a 45 degree muddy grass bank and trudging aimlessly in the dark towards the tower hide at Walmsley Sanctuary. Despite arriving at the hide in the pitch black we were already too late to get front row seats as the hide was already packed to capacity with the usual geriatric numpties sat debating the latest episodes on Birdforum and the cost of their recently purchased waterproof attire! Anyhow, during the next hour or so, we managed to squeeze ourselves into the wooden box and aquired a few decent scope views of the target (284) as it stealthly strode along the ditches. Sadly, the volume of complete and utter twats in the hide forced me & Mike to evacuate back to the motor to recompose whilst Locker endured a further 45 minutes of viewing. We then headed to short distance to The Lost Garden of Heligan near Pentewan where we duly handed over an extortionate £10 to enter and fairly quickly snapped up the Green Heron (285) as it paraded in front of the in-awe Joe Public in 'The Jungle'! Once again, boredom quickly set in so we decided to do one back to the Midlands via Exminster where, after a bit of work, we managed to snare ourselves a pair of cool Cirl Buntings (286). A pretty rewarding yet knackering trip (for me at least). I arrived back in Notts at c5.30pm and headed directly to a Bonfire Party until around 10.30pm when I finally retired to bed after being awake for 41hrs.

Above - Phil 'The Lobbster' Locker showing off his recently purchased package!

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