15 August 2010

Flamboro' threesome

Last night after scouring the weather charts and various weather related websites, a decision was needed as to do either the NE Yorkshire coast or the North Norfolk coast. Despite the conditions looking favourable for the Norfolk coast to be dripping with some decent scarce, I decided to risk it and hit the already scarcity laden Yorkshire coast - namely Flamborough Head - although clear skies forecast for overnight over the NE of England didn't fill me with optimism! The Marquis (recently renamed and in future to be known as simply 'Mickipedia') and Archer were recruited and a dawn raid was planned before retiring for the night. This morning I awoke at 4am to be greeted by a message from Archer informing me that he had had a change of heart and would be instead tootling up to Old Moor RSPB in S.Yorkshire to indulge in a spot of Orchid Sniffing rather than joining us to greedily collect some tasty yearticks! So, myself and 'Mickipedia' arrived at Flamboro' early doors and to cut it short, were notching off Icterine Warbler (263) & Red-backed Shrike (264) within five minutes of exiting the motor! Game on! However, news of a Citrine Wag' 'down the road' at Spurn got to me so after a very hearty breakfast at The Headlands cafe, I started to cane it down the tourist infested roads south. About halfway, we received news that the Wag' had done one followed by news that a Barred Warbler and Wryneck had been found back at Flamborough! A decision to head back was put into motion and we soon screamed back into the car park adjacent to the lighthouse. Unfortunately after a brief search and some investigative quizzing by Mickipedia, it soon became apparent that the 'claimed' Barred was in fact most likely a Garden Warbler but that the Wryneck was showing up at the 'Icky/Shrike field'. We headed back up to the 'top' and whilst scanning the field for the Wryneck, we were amazed to hear that characteristic voice of 'Springwatch' finest Chwis Pwackham but alas it was merely a sound-alike, resmbling perhaps Pwackhams dad - ''Is this where the Wed Backed Shwike is'' he exclaimed excitedly. A kind bloke/woman (I'm not sure what it was) replied ''No, this is where the Wryneck is'' - ''WHYNECK! WOW, WHERE'' he said. He was soon directed to the other corner of the field and off he trundled. Myself and Mickipedia followed shortly behind him and soon we had notched our 3rd yeartick of the day (265)! Unfortunately, not a lot else was seen so around 2pm we did one back home towards Notts and dropped into Collingham Pits near Newark and joined fellow Notts Lister Nigel Davis where after a bit of hard work, we managed to dig out the lingering Wood Sandpiper (266). Also here were up to seven Greenshanks, a Ruff and a hand full of Green Sandpipers. A pretty enjoyable day, especially as tho it appears my luck as changed (after an undocumented series of events yesterday) and that Archer is now languishing 7 species behind me in our 'friendly' year listing duel!

Below - Chwis Pwackhams 'dad' gets all exited about a Wascally WHYNECK!

Below - Some South Yorkshire bruisers keep the peace


  1. that should say "at least 7 Greenshanks". You forgot to mention the Ortolan stringer....

  2. Can't believe you went without me lads. It's simply discrimination against the disabled. :o( I may have crutches to support my crippled foot but the NHS cannot do anything to soothe my broken heart.
