17 July 2010

Zummerzet jam (Little Bittern & Spot' Sandpiper)

Early morning saw myself and 'The Marquis' arriving at pokey Polesworth for our rendevouz with Archie Archer and Jules Allen. After jumping aboard Lord Archers spacious new courtesy passion waggon, we made our way SW. We arrived at a very wet and miserable Ham Wall RSPB and after a brief period of contemplation, we trudged towards the viewing area. At c7.10am, the female LITTLE BITTERN (248) appeared briefly in flight. It then teased us with a few sexy glimpses before giving a prolonged view as it flew strongly west and out of sight. An hour later, she returned and during the next 50 minutes showed on & off in flight and at times perched up amongst the reeds. Other bits included 2 'big' Bitterns, plenty of Cetti's Warblers, 2 Hobbies and a few Little Egrets. An unnecessary search for a lingering Great White Egret proved fruitless and our second attempt at the local Cattle Egrets was also a complete waste of time! A short while later while sat in a local MC.Donalds luxury carvery establishment, the pager announced the presence of a summer plumaged Spot' Sand near Minehead at DUNNster Beach. We promptly caned it over there and after a little bit of confusion regarding the exact whereabouts of the bird combined with no further news since the initial message, we eventually located a pretty unlikely looking pool hidden behind a shop & tennis courts and two local birders scoping our target! We'd technically jammed onto a stunning summer plumaged SPOTTED SANDPIPER (249). I quickly rattled off a few shots and then was informed we were apparently illegally parked so we scarpered and did one back home!


  1. do a spell check before you post bro!

  2. I was extrememly tired Squire when I typed the above. Spellcheck done now tho...
