Anyway, for anyone still reading, I'll now scrawl a brief write-up of the rest of the month........................
So, following the epic(?) Scarborough fail on the 11th, the 12th saw Rich 'The Giant' Challands, Mikipedia & I meetng our guide for the day, Dicky Collis, in the ghettos of Doncaster. The day was a triumphant success in comparison to the previous day with our guide giving us a stunning, eloquent and linguistically perfect running commentary on the history of South Yorkshire has we drove between sites. Highlights during the day were two Woodcocks & three LEO's at a sight of none specific interest. A female Ring-necked Duck gave awful views as it dreamt of warmer climes and just over the border in Lincs we looked at 11 'Tundra' Beans & 9 Bewicks. We concluded our day adding Little Owl to our year lists at Huggin Carr (after a pretty nifty tip off from one of Dickys 'contacts').
The next event has already been over-blogged, so in order not to repeat the nonsense that's already been posted all over the galaxy, I'll just say that, along with many other fools, The Giant, Mikipedia, The Reverend Kinghorn, Archie Archer & myself made the pilgrimage to add a snazzy, sparklingly citrus coloured american warbler to our lists. This we did successfully, eventually! We also collected that Lesser Scaup and tame Whooper at Cosmeston but dipped the proper location of a Bonapartes Gull! My year list now stood at 150 and I couldn't give a fuck (I've added that bit now so that come December 31st and I end up with a proper shite total, I can delete this sentence and then direct you back to this post where you'll see that I wasn't that bothered to start with! Clever hey!)
Below is a small collection of faces & scenes from the Common Yellowthroat excursion.
The assembled troops actively search for their quarry....... dream on!
The Reverend, The NoseBag & The Godfather
Anxious faces eh!
Mikipedia celebrating with a mouthful of Fizzy Haribos - too fizzy!?
The Reverend was so exhausted he had to have emergency Ribena administered
On Tuesday 21st Feb, 15 minutes after arriving home from a laborious day of employment, I was stood at my open bedroom window, gazing over my kingdom, when I suddenly became aware of the local Rooks giving it some noise. A new addition to my 'Birds seen from my bedroom window' (and my UK year list) was being rattled by corvids as it made its way quickly NW - Short-eared Owl! Another addition to aforementioned list arrived in the shape of a 1st w. male Reed Bunting on the morning of the 23rd.
On the 26th, I finally filled a Bean Goose sized gap on my Notts list! Bean Goose. Me, The Giant & Lester Allcock were enroute for the three birds that had been found at Budby at 8am but they flew off east before we arrived. Fortuitously, a 'Road Closure' forced me to take a different route than planned and being east of Budby now, I casually pulled into a layby that offered abit of a panoramic view. T'was here I noticed some geese in the distance grubbing about under some cattle. Mainly Greylags and a scattering of Canadas but a closer inspection, revealed three Beans and a Pink foot! They were then flushed by a closer tresspassing birder but I managed to relocate them again futher east on Thoresby Lake! A case of pure jam if there ever was one! At Welbeck Raptor Watchpoint a pair of Goshawks showed off as they displayed over the woods &onto the year list and at Warsop the now resident escaped White Stork was given some undeserved attention as it poked about in a horse paddock.
Right, I think that's us about done for now. Thanks for coming. See ya in March. x